4673 Chemical Hydrogen Storage in NHXBHX Materials

Tuesday, May 4, 2010: 11:35 AM
203B (Long Beach Convention Center)
Jamie Holladay , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
Thomas S. Autrey , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
  • Holladay_NHA 2010_v3.pptx (6.5 MB)
  • The NHxBHx class of materials may be classified as complex hydrides and/or chemical hydrogen storage materials. Chemical hydrogen storage materials are of great interest for hydrogen storage because they are capable of providing large quantities of hydrogen (up to 19 wt.% hydrogen) with rapid kinetics at moderate temperatures. Our group has been working on developing an in-depth understanding of the chemical and physical properties of amine borane materials for solid state hydrogen storage. Hydrogen is released at low temperatures through a series of moderate exothermic reactions.  In this work we present experimental and computational studies designed to elucidate mechanistic details about how di-hydrogen bonding interactions affect the release of hydrogen from these novel compounds.  This approach provides insight into controlling rates of hydrogen release, enhancing purity of hydrogen and providing a rational design for regeneration of spent fuel materials. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for the DOE by Battelle.