Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - 2:30 PM

Hydrogen Quality Sampling Apparatus (HQSA)

Anthony T. Lindsay, Gas Technology Institute

Auto manufacturers are now introducing next generation fuel cell vehicles that utilize 70MPa hydrogen storage systems.  Substantially more 70MPa vehicles are scheduled for distribution in the United States in 2007 and beyond, and selected stations in the California market have been, or are being upgraded to, 70MPa dispensing capability from 35MPa.  To confirm that these stations meet fuel quality guidelines, an apparatus needed to be designed and constructed to safely collect representative hydrogen samples from fueling dispensers where inlet pressures can be as high as 88 MPa to accomplish temperature compensated fills to 70 MPa.  Additionally, such an apparatus will be needed to support the development of an ASTM standard for collection of pressurized hydrogen gas samples (ASTM D 03.14 WK 5847).


To address these needs, a Hydrogen Quality Sampling Apparatus (HQSA) has been developed by the Gas Technology Institute.  This presentation will describes the development process of the HQSA including the design process, hazard analysis, build and testing of the apparatus which was completed in September 2007.  The following process that was followed will be presented with step by step photos of the final product in use:


The preliminary design was developed, based on the industry experience with a similar unit used to test 35MPa gas samples.  The 35 MPa design / experience were evaluated by GTI, a new design was developed, and materials were selected to ensure compatibility with hydrogen and the pressures anticipated.  The preliminary design schematic was reviewed with an ASTM working group and feedback from the meeting was incorporated in a revised design that was used for conducting a hazard analysis.  As a result of the hazard analysis and follow-up discussions with industry experts the HQSA design was refined and finalized.  Materials were procured and fabrication and assembly was completed.  Strength, leak, and over pressure protection testing was conducted by GTI and the results documented.  An initial field operation of the HQSA was performed after an operating manual was developed by GTI and reviewed by the working group.