Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 5:30 PM

Building Fuel Cells From the Inside Out - a Hands-on Workshop for the Novice

Kathleen Quinn Larson, Fuel Cell Store

As an exhibitor of demonstration fuel cell models at fuel cell conferences for the past 7 years, I find that at each conference I spend a great deal of time teaching attendees about how fuel cells work. I propose to offer a hands-on workshop for those attendees who are new to the fuel cell industry or who are veterans, but have never actually constructed a fuel cell.

Using materials that we have developed for the classroom, attendees will be provided with all of the components of a  3-cell fuel cell stack.  The characteristics, science, and current status of  each component will be discussed in detail as participants build a fuel cell from the inside out. We will be using small reversible fuel cells to produce hydrogen and oxygen and store them in small gas cylinders.  Participants will be able to measure the electrical characteristics of the fuel cell.  We will also have materials available to build a simple model fuel cell car that attendees can then race.

We would be limited to 30 participants in this session as equipment and individual time will be limited.