Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - 2:00 PM

Four Steps to Hydrogen Commercialization Opportunities

Pierre Gauthier, Air Liquide America Corporation

Is the hydrogen economy of the future just another fish story?  Absolutely not!  There have been many changes affecting the energy equation over the last 10 years and conditions have changed.  In this presentation, we will examine the reasons why, in the very near future, hydrogen production and distribution will be increasingly visible on many industries’ radar screens.


Our presentation provides an overview the expected availability of ‘cheap’ hydrogen, the development of real commercial opportunities and the importance of knowledge.  We will seek to confirm that experimental projects are now behind us.  We will demonstrate that we are ready to move rapidly towards the pre-commercial and commercial applications that will eventually provide significant savings and other benefits to a wide variety of industries.


Beyond our ability to engineer H2 systems, produce and deliver hydrogen, Air Liquide is an enabler of the H2 economy.  We are actively developing the H2 architecture and infrastructure that will allow many North American firms–who have already demonstrated leadership in H2 technologies–to expand their markets and grow into highly successful organizations.


Air Liquide has the strength of 104 years of scientific achievement, technical excellence, and business successes.  The Air Liquide Group is dedicated to devoting the necessary resources–on both sides of the Atlantic and around the world–to ensure the successful implementation of a number of innovative H2 projects.  Our presentation includes a brief description of some of these projects.  We think you will be surprised at their variety and impressed by how these projects are closely related to today’s energy issues.


We hope to convince you that the hydrogen economy of the future is filled with promise and potential.  Thank you for your attention.